Join the Caucus

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Dear Friend of the Family,

We invite you to join us in the battle to protect the family at the United Nations by joining the UN Family Rights Caucus. The mission of the UN Family Rights Caucus is to protect and promote the natural family as the fundamental unit of society as called for in Article 16 of the UN Declaration on Human Rights.

More recently, the Family Rights Caucus has been working to protect the health and innocence of children by exposing the harms of UN-promoted and/or funded comprehensive sexuality education programs. This harmful education teaches children they have a right to sexual pleasure and encourages children to engage in sexual behavior at young ages.

To see an example of one of the Family Rights Caucus initiatives to stop the sexualization of children, go to

Our current major initiative, the UN “Include the Family!” campaign, can be found at

We invite all pro family organizations and individuals across the world to join the UN Family Rights Caucus.

Caucus members will be invited to participate in current and future UN family initiatives and will receive special reports on Caucus activities. No fees or dues are assessed to Caucus members, and organizations can discontinue membership at any time.

There is power in unity and power in numbers, and we hope to grow this coalition to become an even stronger force for good at the UN and throughout the world. We hope you will join with us in this important work to promote and protect the family and celebrate with us our future victories for the family.



Sharon Slater, President of Family Watch International

Chair of the UN Family Rights Caucus

PS.  We just had one of our greatest victories at the UN Human Rights Council.  We lobbied hard for the passage of the Protection of the Family resolution and it passed!  Please join us and be a part of our next UN victory for the family!


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Organizations and individuals can join the UN Family Rights Caucus.  While a list of member organizations will be posted once our current membership drive is completed, for privacy reasons the list of our individual members will not be made public. Member organizations can also opt to be silent partners.  Membership in the UN Family Rights Caucus is not an indication that an organization or individual supports all positions of other Caucus members but rather indicates support for the UN Family Rights Caucus activities to protect the family.  Membership allows individuals and organizations to have their voice for the family be heard at the UN even if they cannot attend.  Members are invited to participate in UN conferences with the Caucus and will be sent updates and reports on Caucus activities.