
Resource Guide to U.N. Consensus Language on Family Issues - This valuable guide contains consensus language from major UN treaties and documents that is supportive of the family. Topics are organized alphabetically to help you quickly find key UN provisions from past UN documents that can be used to influence current documents and governmental policies under negotiation. See the table of contents for a list of topics covered. See also the section on negotiation tips for ideas on how to analyze UN documents.

World Family Map Report by Child Trends - The World Family Map Project monitors global changes in the areas of family structure, family socioeconomics, family processes, and family culture, focusing on 16 specific indicators selected by an expert group because of their known relationships to child outcomes in the research literature. Each annual report of the project provides the latest data on these indicators, as well as an original essay focusing on one aspect of the family and how it relates to child well-being in different parts of the world. In both the indicators and the essay, the highest quality data available are shared for countries that are representative of each region of the world. Scholars around the globe contribute to the project as advisors and analysts, stimulating a large community of researchers to improve data and research on families and children.

The Council of Europe Family Policy Database - A unique source of reference for policymakers, practitioners and researchers set up to address the demand for up-to-date and comparative data on family policies across greater Europe. The database contains key quantitative data, but its main focus is on qualitative information on relevant sectors of family policy. It covers 40 of the Council of Europe's 47 member States, including all members of the European Union.

The Database - This site is sponsored by the Heritage Foundation and provides data on the family and religious practice with an analysis of the vital roles of each in maintaining civil society in America. Charts, briefs, reports, and videos are organized in eight major topics, from Marriage & Family to Economic Well-Being to Community Involvement. The site also offers a set of more than 3,000 findings related to family and religious practice from scholarly journals and papers.

The Family and the MDGs (book) - Published by the Doha International Institute for Family Studies and Development (DIIFSD), this book supports the use of “family capital” to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Written by Susan Roylance and other authors, the book presents information and practical examples that promote the use of family capital to: (1) alleviate poverty and hunger, (2) achieve universal primary education, (3) promote gender equality, (4) reduce child mortality, (5) improve maternal health, (6) combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases, (7) increase environmental sustainability and (8) promote global partnerships.

International Law, Social Change and the Family - This article by noted family scholar Richard L. Wilkins focuses on the unprecedented, rapid development of international law and its effect on the UN system and on the alteration of marriage, family, motherhood, fatherhood, and particularly children.

The Family as the Cradle of International Human Rights - Richard Wilkins explains that the founding documents of the UN System acknowledge that the family is the cradle – not only of human rights – but also of society and civilization itself.

An Analysis of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda: The Hidden Threats to life, family, and Children  - This analysis of the SDGs and the UN’s 2030 Agenda was created to help UN Member States understand many of the hidden threats contained in the Agenda and to provide suggestions for counteracting these threats. The report begins with a brief summary of the general nature of the 2030 Agenda and then presents an in-depth analysis of SDG goals, targets, and indicators that can easily be used to advance controversial sexual rights relating to abortion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and explicit and harmful sexuality education for children.